A few years ago, I blogged about those “Positive Plaques” of affirmation that line the aisles of TJ Maxx and Marshall’s. “Be Kind” …“You are Amazing, Remember That”… “You Can & You Will.” You get the message. I suspect they may have called to you as you pushed the cart past them in the store and they are now nestled on a shelf in your home. I have a few in my office.
For sure, simple words can inspire us. And while these commercial reminders are fun, I am captivated by the introspections of real people. After basketball great Bill Russell died, I heard a fan on the street being interviewed wish him well, and for him to “Rest in Paradise.” I love that!
Another AHA moment for me was from an interview given by Dr Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA and DNA vaccine technology. Per Dr Malone- “I don’t ask people to accept what I say, I ask people to think for themselves.” This got me to thinking—how does what I say impact others?
As a health educator, people come to me looking for ways to eat better and get healthier. When it comes to a learning model, people like direction and they want answers. I support their endeavors with medically sound advice and ideas, but I refrain from telling them what to do. I believe that once people assimilate my information, they will be more successful in implementing changes and sustaining them over the long haul. Becoming a part of the process rather than a spectator is a key component in our interchange.
Unfortunately, I fear my learning model of encouraging people to think through things is in jeopardy these days. Apps are plotting solutions in a matter of minutes. As we know, there’s an app for this and that. For many of these apps you have to go through a grueling series of questions and prompts that lead to an abyss of more Q’s and prompts. UGH! How did “yes” and “no” get robotically streamlined into an interrogation of your inner being?
Many of you are familiar with the famous sculpture, The Thinker, by French artist Auguste Rodin, cast in bronze in the early 1900’s. He is in a seated, crouched position; his right elbow resting on his left thigh while his right hand holds up his chin. I have to laugh because I can picture a cell phone in his left hand should he have been sculpted today! As Rodin himself described: "What makes my Thinker think is that he thinks not only with his brain, with his knitted brow, his distended nostrils and compressed lips, but with every muscle of his arms, back, and legs, with his clenched fist and gripping toes.” Looking at it from his artistic viewpoint, the act of thinking is a powerful exercise not only for the brain, but for the entire body.
So yes, there was an obvious intent to parallel the adorable blue robot pausing his circuits (to think!) to that of Rodin’s artistry. And yet while centuries have elapsed in between, the reminder to use our incredible, inherent brain power remains the same.
And let’s not forget the Queen of Soul’s melodic take on the matter ….You better think (think)….
In good health,
And many thanks to a patient of mine who shared her shot at the Rodin Museum in Paris after reading the post!